Hey everyone,
We have a Natural Organic Manure made all out of nature which is very beneficial to grow plants at home.
Our product is made from 100% GYR Cow dung
Jeevamrut by our Great leader and Indian agriculturist Padma Shri Subhash Palekar
Jeevamrut is the traditional Indian bio pesticide and organic manure that is prepared by the unique technique of fermentation of the combined mixture of cow dung, cow urine, jaggery, pulses flour, soil and water
Jeevamrut is 100% organic and have no harmful effects on soil health. It is made up of two words “Jeevan” and “Amrit.” The first word Jeevan means “Life” and the second word Amrit means “Medicinal potion.”
How is it made-
Cow Dung
Cow Urine/Gomutra
Pulse Flour
To explore our products and know more about Natural Farming please Contact us at
+91 8446533181
We accept bulk orders too